
👋🏾 Hi, we’re the Daniels Family! Since 2022, we’ve enjoyed a full-time world schooling and traveling lifestyle. Prior to our journey, we focused on financial planning, homeschooling, and preparing our kids for a life of adventure. We aim to live intentionally, consistently shaping ourselves and our children into the people we aspire to be.

Growing up, my wife and I faced uncertainties about our future, unlike our kids who are thriving early. They’re published authors, book illustrators, budding entrepreneurs, compete in international Rubik’s cube speed solving contests, and are currently taking college courses to earn their bachelor’s degrees by the time they’d typically graduate high school!

This might sound overwhelming, but they manage it at their own pace, fitting seamlessly into our travel schedule of three days of school, three days of exploration, and Sundays for Church! This flexible, enriching lifestyle is why we’re passionate about world schooling.

We started World School Tools because, while world schooling is empowering, it can also be isolating. Our goal is to foster a community where we can share our insights and grow together!

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